Tips for Tackling Your Spring Cleaning Checklist

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


It's official... SPRING is here at last!

It's time to open the windows, let in that beautiful fresh air, and get to work on those seasonal cleaning projects!

There's no question cleaning a home from top to bottom is a lot of work. Sometimes, it's difficult to even know where to start.

Here are a few tips for making the job a bit easier:
  • Make a list of chores to complete.
  • Divide the list into sections, grouping like projects together.  For example, you may find it more efficient to completely clean one room at a time, or to wash all of your windows on the same day.
  • Make a schedule, blocking off plenty of time on your calendar for each project.
By creating a series of little jobs and scheduling them to be completed over an extended period of time, spring cleaning becomes a much more manageable task.

The length of your checklist will depend on the type of cleaning and organizing you do on a regular basis.  Every household is different.

This is my personal checklist template.  It covers all the bases in the event that, come springtime, my entire house is upside down and in need of a very thorough cleaning!

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My Spring Cleaning & Organizing Checklist

1.  Remove all items from closets and wash walls and floors.
2.  Wash out-of-season clothing and store in sealed storage containers.
3.  Donate items that are no longer needed.
4.  Organize and hang seasonal clothes in bedroom closets.
5.  Organize and hang seasonal jackets/coats in hall closets.

Walls, Windows and Ceilings:
1.  Wash walls, switch plates, doors and baseboards.
2.  Touch up wall and trim paint.
3.  Dust hanging artwork and picture frames. 
4.  Wash windows, tracks and screens.
5.  Wash/clean window coverings and clean blinds.
6.  Dust ceiling corners as needed.
7.  Clean light fixtures.
8.  Test smoke detectors and change batteries.

Furniture and Floors:
1.  Steam clean or spot clean upholstered furniture as needed.
2.  Clean under and behind all furniture.
3.  Repair/touch up any digs and scratches on wood furniture.
4.  Steam clean carpets.
5.  Repair/touch up any scratches on hardwood floors.
6.  Clean heat registers and inside of floor vents.

Kitchen and Pantry:
1.  Empty and clean inside of kitchen cupboards, drawers and pantry.
2.  Reorganize and replace kitchen items.  Donate any unneeded items.
3.  Clean behind fridge and stove.  Vacuum coils on back of refrigerator.
4.  Empty, clean and organize fridge and freezer.  Discard any expired food.
5.  Clean above kitchen cupboards and top of fridge. Lay down fresh wax paper.
6.  Thoroughly clean outside of kitchen cupboard doors and drawers.
7.  Thoroughly clean inside of dishwasher, toaster and coffee maker.

Bathrooms, Laundry Room and Linen Closet:
1.  Empty and clean inside of bathroom/laundry cupboards and linen closet.
2.  Reorganize and replace items in cupboards and closet.
3.  Donate unneeded items and discard any expired medicines and cosmetics.
4.  Clean behind washer and dryer.
5.  Thoroughly clean dryer duct and inside of washer and dryer.

Basement and Garage:
1.  Sort and reorganize storage bins, tools, gardening and paint supplies.
2.  Donate any items that are no longer needed.
3.  Sweep/wash garage floor.
4.  Empty canister for built-in vacuum.
5.  Change furnace filter and clean utility room.
6.  Clean and reorganize cold storage room.  Discard any expired food.

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Your own spring cleaning list may be long and detailed, or short and sweet.  Either way, it's time for all of us to roll up our sleeves, crank up the tunes, and give our homes the TLC they so deserve!


~ Wendi ~ xo

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