I Heart White Pumpkins

Monday, September 19, 2011

Last fall, somewhere in blogland, someone posted a lovely little vignette of all white pumpkins.  I didn't give it much of a second thought but I burned the picture into my memory because I loved it so much (this was before pinterest!) 

I knew I had to do some white pumpkins myself.  I then went out to some crafty type stores (and even Wal-Mart) to pick up some faux pumpkins in white or to be spray painted. 

That's when I remembered that it is against my religion to buy holiday decorations when they are "in-season" even if they are on sale.  I refuse to spend $12 on a fake pumpkin even though $12 is the sale price.   Especially when I need  8 to 10.  Not happening when I know they will 90% off in a matter of weeks (when I won't need them cause Christmas will be in full swing). 

So, I decided to scratch the white pumpkins and save it for next year (meaning this year).  I ended up not getting any faux pumpkins after pumpkin season last year, which was fine because at every garage sale I went to this summer I picked some up.  I think I spent $1.75, total.  

Here's what my pumpkins looked like when I got 'em.

Bag o' Pumpkins

I picked ups some off white spray paint and primer, taped off the stems and went to spraying...

I am an impatient and sloppy spray-painter and used my hand as a make-shift spinning pedastel to get all the pumpkin angles. 

Note to self:  next time wear gloves.

Here is how they turned out...

I tried to get some different textures... I loved this burlap one (even though on the back there is a big glob of hot glue from the previous owner, no one will ever see it!)

Since I saved so much money on garage sale pumpkins I allowed myself to buy these cute little owls that hold votive candles... AAAA-dorable!

I also added in my white pitcher and some fall leaves to add a little bit of color and height.


I added a swag in the background that was one of my 90% off scores at Hob Lob last year (read about more of my 90% off deals HERE).    I also put up my mocha wreath (which I love!) from my friend Abbe over at Brown Apples sent me.  Here's how it turned out...

I love how it looks in my kitchen but I love even more that it cost next to nothing to get a whole new look!

What do you think of my white pumpkins??

Linking:  Nest of Posies Fall Festival, Fingerprints on the Fridge, The Lettered Cottage, Faded Charm

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