New and pretty ways to use and hang your curtains

Friday, April 25, 2014

I saw this picture the other day and it made me think that there are probably a lot of other cool uses for curtains and drapes other than just hanging them in your windows.  Have you ever used drapes in a non-traditional way?
We have a heat pump in our bedroom, and I was thinking a treatment like the one above might be a nice way to hide it without impairing it's ability to function

via Pinterest via DecorPad

No budget for that glamorous 4 poster or canopy bed?  Try installing drapery rods on the ceiling above your bed.

Curtain rod above the door.  Never would have thought of that!
via Pinterest

Clean Your Carpets fall
via pinterest

This is a great idea for corner windows. Instead of pulling them away from each other, tucking them together in the corner.

This room has a gorgeous tropical feel. The trunk, the rattan, the bedding, the wood mirror, and the sheer drapes all have that vacation feeling!
via bhg

The two curtains really help make the alcove feel like it's own separate room

via Pinerest via BHG

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